Monday, October 12, 2009

They Are Counted Among The Stars

They are counted among the stars
to be beacons of never-ending light
in hope
and in remembrance.

They are named amid that light
with a constancy and brilliance
that will remain in us forever...
Never Forgotten ~ Always with Us.
Their light will burn in our hearts
as the stars burn in the heavens,
~Dawn Both-Kim
(Bereaved mother of Marrina and Ella Grace Kim)
(Poem for the back cover of the 17th Annual Walk to Remember Program, '09)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The 17th Annual Walk to Remember

This year's Sponsors

Walk to Remember Banner

Fran Kane, RN blessing the tree before it's planted

Memorial tree messages to ALL the Angel babies

Balloon Release to Heaven

The Walk to Remember featured in the Buffalo News